United Way Build Tomorrow Today

United for Veterans Grant

Thank you for your interest in applying for the 2024 United for Veterans’ Mental Health Grant. This grant is designed to support programs that directly address veterans’ mental health in Lehigh, Northampton and Carbon Counties. A priority of this grant opportunity is to support veterans in rural communities.

Veterans’ mental health is a critical issue that requires ongoing attention and support. Many veterans face unique challenges, including the transition from military to civilian life, exposure to traumatic events and the physical and emotional scars of combat. These experiences can lead to a range of mental health issues, such as PTSD, depression and anxiety. Approximately 5.4% of the Lehigh County population are veterans. One in four veterans meet the diagnostic criteria for a mental health issue. Unfortunately, stigma and barriers to accessing care often prevent veterans from seeking the help they need. By providing comprehensive and accessible mental health services, we can better support our veterans and ensure they receive the care and respect they deserve.

United for Veterans’ Mental Health is a new grantmaking initiative open to Lehigh Valley nonprofit organizations that provide support and mental health programming to veterans. Grants between $5,000 – $20,000 will be available for programs that support veterans’ mental health in Lehigh, Northampton and Carbon Counties. This can include peer support, connection to resources, programs that remove barriers to accessing resources, outreach efforts and more. Funding for programs that support veterans living in rural communities will be prioritized.

This grant will fund agencies and programs for one year, January 2025 – December 2025.

Application timeline

September 9, 2024 – Application opens
October 7, 2024 – Final day to submit applications
October 2024 – Applications will be reviewed
November 2024 – Applicants will be notified of funding decisions 
January 2025 – Funding begins 

To Apply:


All applications are to be completed through our web-based grants management system, e-CImpact. United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley agencies already using e-CImpact can log in and see the application in the menu to the left of the screen under “Apply/Report”. New agencies can use the same link to create an account in e-CImpact and access the application after following the instructions to “click here to create your account”.

For questions about the application process on e-CImpact, please contact Tanya Engler at [email protected]. For all other questions about this grant, please contact Priscilla Rosado at [email protected]


  • Organization provides health and human services programming serving Lehigh, Northampton and/or Carbon Counties.
  • Organization provides mental health support services to veterans.  
  • Organization must hold 501(c)(3) status for at least one year or have a fiscal sponsor. 
  • Organization does not discriminate against (hiring process and recipients of services) on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, disability, medical condition, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, citizenship, age or service in the uniformed services. Specific exclusions necessary to the essential operation of a program(s) will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. (Example: women’s shelter)
  • A priority of this funding will be to support programs that serve veterans living in rural communities within Lehigh, Northampton and Carbon counties.
  • You may submit multiple applications/proposals, but you will only be eligible for funding for one of the proposals.