
United For Ukraine Fund Established to Support Ukraine’s Displaced Civilians

The scale of civilian casualties in Ukraine is alarming and heartbreaking. It’s in moments like these that the mission of United Way is most urgently needed.

United Way has established the United for Ukraine Fund to support the vital work on the ground to help more than a million people who have fled the violence, looking for safety and desperate for hope.

Through our trusted partnerships on the ground in Romania, Hungary, and Poland, we are addressing the immediate needs for those escaping the violence and looking for safety and hope. United Way RomaniaUnited Way Hungary and Fundacja Dobrych Inicjatyw (Good Initiatives Foundation) in Poland stand ready to aid those who have been displaced by this crisis.

The immediate support will cover: 

  • Transportation 
  • Shelter
  • Food and medicines 
  • Critical childcare supplies, including infant formula and diapers 
  • Hygiene kits, and more 

By donating to United Way, you’re supporting vetted, nonpartisan organizations on the ground and providing vital help to those who need it most. This situation is fluid and there is no doubt the needs will be great and will continue for some time.

As the crisis evolves, United Way may identify additional partners on the ground to support the needs of Ukraine’s displaced.

graphic - Eligible Carbon County residents in need of housing assistance have a chance to receive help. Click to learn more