
Resources for Current Partners

Thank you for your partnership and for all of the great work
you do for the communities you serve.

What does United Way do?
United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley envisions a community where every person belongs and every person thrives. We have a solid plan and clear, bold goals to ensure that more students are successful in school, more older adults can access the resources they need to stay healthy and every person in the Greater Lehigh Valley has a solid foundation of food, housing and mental health supports.

What is the application process?
For an organization to be considered for funding from United Way, they must submit a Qualification Application. The process consists of completing an application, requiring access to information from an organization’s 990, budget and other documents. An organization must be in existence for at least one year before becoming a qualified partner agency.

What is the renewal process?
Qualification renewal is completed via the eCimpact Community Impact online data management system. All pertinent documentation required for submission will be uploaded by the agency into the online system. If an organization has not yet used the system, the introductory training to eCimpact and guide to completing the qualification renewal will be done via a virtual meeting. The training generally lasts approximately 15 minutes.

Renewal applications are submitted on a bi-annual basis. Agencies are notified by United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley when qualification renewal is due.

When can I submit my application?
Partner applications are accepted anytime. Funding applications are accepted on a periodic basis. If you are interested in becoming a qualified partner agency, please contact Priscilla Rosado at 610-807-5731 with questions.

United Way is committed to helping partners strengthen the quality and impact of programs and services available to the community through multiple capacity-building strategies:

  • A qualifications application and renewal process
  • Leadership development opportunities for executive directors, their board members and staff through institutions of higher education and nationally known and local organizations
  • Training and technical assistance regarding Results Based Accountability (RBA) and content related to specific priorities

United Way provides multiple avenues for financial/non-financial resources to community partners:

  • Program funding open to qualified, nonprofit organizations through a competitive application process every four years
  • Partnership funding on an ongoing basis; open to nonprofit and higher education institutions who co-invest in “systems change” strategies and specific programs/services at partnership sites
  • Volunteers through a contract with the Volunteer Center of the Lehigh Valley; our United Way hosts an annual “Day of Caring,” is the lead sponsor for “Project Blueprint” and supports a database for year-round volunteer opportunities and connections to individuals and partners across the community
  • Donated goods such as computers, furniture, supplies or other resources offered through business and corporate partners or individual donors on a periodic basis

United Way provides access to information on events, programs and opportunities:

  • Bi-weekly eNewsletter containing news, resources and opportunities available to all qualified partner agencies
  • Spotlights through impact experiences, social media special community engagement events, press releases and feature stories in campaign materials
  • Networking and best practice sharing through partner agency meetings throughout the year

United Way is excited to provide an Agency Portal to organizations as a more efficient way to access donor information.

Our Agency Portal is a secure web-based reporting system that will allow your organization to view and download detailed designation and payment information regarding gifts through our United Way to your organization. It allows agencies to view their gifts online and download donor detail to keep their database up-to-date and generate acknowledgement letters in a timely manner. Our Agency Portal allows on-demand access to:

  • Agencies’ donor information including name and address
  • Payment reports
  • Request EFT Payment Method

For more information, visit our Agency Portal at uwglv.my.site.com/agencyportal/s/ or email [email protected].

What is eCimpactTM?
eCimpactTM is an easy-to-use software solution, specially designed to help nonprofit organizations manage multiple grant, initiative and outcome reporting processes.

Why use eCimpactTM?
eCimpact allows for easy access of gathering and sharing data and information, including proposals, RBA reporting, qualification renewals and contact information.

How do I access eCimpactTM?
United Way provides agencies with a unique URL to access the system.

On-site technical support
If you need assistance, please contact United Way’s eCimpact system administrators at [email protected].

To maintain consistency across all communications, United Way provides logos for partner agencies. Proper logo use ensures brand uniformity, strengthens recognition and reinforces the partnership’s impact.

If you need a different version of the logo file that isn’t available for download, please contact us at [email protected] and we’ll be happy to assist you.

UWGLV 2024 rebrand logo - blue

UWGLV Blue Logo
Color | Black and White

UWGLV 2024 rebrand logo - white text, color circle of hope

UWGLV White Logo

“United Way leads the way to create a better path, a better life and a better community. We are very grateful for their continued partnership, friendship and support for the LGBTQ+ community.”

Matthew Easterwood
Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center

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