
“I believe we all can play a role in confronting the challenges in our community.”

Andrew Dinka of Air products

United Way Tocqueville Society is an alliance of 383 successful business and philanthropic leaders and their families who share a strong commitment and passion for investing in our local community. Lehigh Valley transplant Andrew Dinka of Air Products shares how he found community and started giving back through United Way-supported programs.

 “I’ve been happy to get more involved in local volunteer work since moving to the area in 2021. I believe we all can play a role in confronting the challenges in our community. I give to United Way to help make a difference because the people who receive the care, services and love through United Way programs deserve every cent of it.”

Andrew is a Project Manager at Air Products and has been a Tocqueville Society member since 2021. He resides in Allentown.