Lehigh and Northampton Counties become the nation’s first dual-county Age-Friendly Community

This month, both Lehigh and Northampton counties were awarded certification into the AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities, making the Lehigh Valley the nation’s first dual-county community to receive certification in the World Health Organization/AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities.
Members of the AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities become part of a global network of communities that are committed to giving their older residents the opportunity to live rewarding, productive and safe lives. Age-friendly communities treat all residents and visitors with respect, regardless of age, income or physical ability. They are accessible, equitable, inclusive, safe, secure, and supportive – meeting the needs of those ages 5 to 105.
United Way’s Age-Friendly Lehigh Valley, led by Carmen Bell, Director of Healthy Aging, has worked directly with AARP Pennsylvania to achieve this certification since 2018. Specific actions for the community are outlined in the recently released Age-Friendly LV Action Plan. The Lehigh Valley Planning Commission has been a key partner in the work to bring the plan to fruition.
This new step as a certified age-friendly community means that people of all ages can benefit from the adoption of policies and programs that make neighborhoods walkable, feature transportation options, enable access to key services and more.
For more information visit AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities