United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley identifies the community’s greatest challenges and creates lasting, measurable results by investing in solutions in Education, Healthy Aging and Community Stability.
Yes, United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley is a federally registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation. Donations to United Way are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by an individual’s or corporation’s circumstances.
At United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley (UWGLV), we fight for the health, safety and education of every person in our community.
We identify the community’s greatest challenges and create lasting, measurable results that make life better for over 175,000 people throughout the Greater Lehigh Valley. Learn more about us.
United Way is your local partner to drive measurable, lasting impact that none of us can achieve alone. United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley makes a difference in the lives of over 175,000 people throughout the Greater Lehigh Valley each year. We focus on the root causes of our community’s priority issues to create long-lasting systemic change. We all win when a child succeeds in school, when families are financially stable and when our neighbors are healthy. It takes everyone in the community working to build a stronger, healthier Lehigh Valley. Together we can achieve more.
One area that differentiates United Way is our commitment to accountability and validation of our partner agencies through a rigorous vetting process. Results Based Accountability (RBA) changes the model from funding nonprofits that do good work to measuring results of programs and services. Knowledgeable, well-trained volunteers and experts from across our community carefully screen and select the programs funded by your United Way contribution. The recommendations for funding are then reviewed and approved by our volunteer Board of Directors. This citizen review process is United Way’s assurance that contributions are being responsibly managed and monitored. United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley distributes, as part of its annual report, a condensed version of its financials each year and welcomes questions and comments from donors and the general public regarding any aspect of our fund raising, investment process or management.
In the new investment plan, 112 programs are being funded at 61 partner agencies (nonprofits in the Lehigh Valley). The strongest focus remains on education with 80% of investments, a slight increase over previous cycles, healthy aging receiving 12% and food access 8% of available funds. Emergency Services has a set funded level to assure those vital services are available to the community. View the complete listing of United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley investments.
United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley is committed to the highest standards of accountability and transparency in our stewardship of investor dollars. By utilizing interdependent internal processes and controls, any irregularities and questionable activities are prevented. As a matter of practice, no single staff member is able to process any transaction from start to finish and all checks must be signed by two authorized signers. An independent accounting firm audits United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley once a year. The Finance Committee and Board of Directors review financial statements quarterly to ensure adherence to budget. The Audit Committee and the Board of Directors must review and approve the annual audit. Donor information is never sold or shared. View our Donor Privacy Policy.
No other single organization has the scope, expertise or influence to bring hundreds of human service agencies, government, education partners and dedicated volunteers together around a common vision of achieving long lasting results for a stronger, healthier Lehigh Valley. When you give to a specific charity, you support a cause. When you give to United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley, your gift becomes part of a collective effort to strengthen our entire community. Your gift to United Way allows you to accomplish more than you can alone or through a single charity. Learn more about how we do.
In some cases, an agency may be doing great work, but it may not have programs that align with United Way’s identified community impact goals for education, healthy aging and community stability. In other cases, the agency may not meet United Way’s rigorous criteria for performance and accountability. Even though United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley raised more money last year, there were nearly double the requests for funding than available funds. United Way made some tough decisions with their carefully chosen investments. In the current investment cycle, United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley is funding more agencies – 61 partner agencies as compared to 47 partner agencies in the last investment cycle. If you want to see proven programs available for more people who need them, give generously through United Way.
United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley strives to be cost efficient and maximize the dollars invested into our community. Good management practices, a high level of volunteer participation and leadership and in-kind services donated by local organizations and corporations combined with United Way’s tradition of value and efficiency in raising resources, means more of each dollar donated goes directly to helping those in need. 84% of your donation to United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley (at least 84¢ of every dollar) is invested directly into community solutions that create measurable results and lasting impact. This rate falls well above the target range of 65% for charitable program expenses, according to Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance. Click here for more information on administrative costs and fees.
Annual events, such as Day of Caring, boost morale and create a synergy among volunteers. Nearly all the costs for these events are paid through ticket prices or generous corporate sponsorship. United Way’s corporate partners help to offset many operational costs such as campaign materials, events and administrative costs.
There are three ways to contribute through your United Way. You can give. You can advocate. You can volunteer. Or you can do a combination of all three. Whether it’s reading to children, leading financial literacy classes for hard-working families or delivering meals to homebound seniors, there are hundreds of volunteer options available every day. Call your United Way at 610-758-8010 for opportunities to get involved and make a difference.
Payroll deduction usually runs from January 1 through December 31. Some companies use their fiscal year as their schedule for payroll deduction. United Way does not set your payroll schedule; it is a company decision.
No. The money raised in the Greater Lehigh Valley stays in the Greater Lehigh Valley, unless you, as the donor, request that it be sent to another United Way. Your local United Way does pay annual dues to United Way Worldwide, the trade association for United Ways, and also to United Way of Pennsylvania, the state trade association. Those dues (which amount to less than one cent of every dollar given) represent the only money that leaves the Lehigh Valley – and those dollars eventually are returned to the community in services received. Learn more about our investments.
No. United Way Worldwide has no input on how a local United Way invests contributions in its community. Every decision at your United Way is made locally for the benefit of our community. United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley is governed by its Board of Directors, comprised of local business and community leaders, and assisted by more than 500 volunteers from the local community that serve on United Way committees. United Way Worldwide is the leadership and support organization for the network of nearly 1,800 community-based United Ways in 45 countries and territories. It provides support through guidance, training, development services, research and national advertising. In exchange for these services, United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley pays annual membership dues.
“We feel secure knowing United Way programming is smart, responsible, and best serves the needs of our community.”
Virginia and Tim Oskin
Tocqueville Society Members

In the News

Empowering Youth Leaders: Leon Gonzalez Leads the Way in Youth Mental Health Support
United Way awarded 17-year-old Leon Gonzalez a $5,000 Youth Mental Health Innovation Grant for his Being Phenom(enal) Program, which mentors young men, fostering confidence and emotional well-being through support and guidance.

Community Groups Unite to Launch Relief Fund for Families Displaced by Allentown Fire on February 18
United Way partners with City of Allentown, American Red Cross Pennsylvania Rivers Chapter, Community Action Lehigh Valley, Lehigh Conference of Churches and Salvation Army to provide direct assistance.