Key Strategies to advance community stability:
“My housing advocate didn’t quit, and because of her, we’re still at home.
Parent in the Bethlehem Area School District

community stability partners
Listed below are all of our current funded* and non-funded partners.
Allentown Area Ecumenical Food Bank
Allentown Rescue Mission
American Red Cross of the Greater Lehigh Valley*
ARC of Lehigh and Northampton Counties
ARC of Northeastern Pennsylvania*
Ascend Counseling Services, Inc.
Bloom for Women*
Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center*
Carbon County Action Committee for Human
Casa Guadalupe Center*
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Allentown*
Cay Galgon Life House
Community Action Lehigh Valley*
Crime Victims Council of the Lehigh Valley, Inc.*
Domestic Violence Service Center, Inc.*
Easton Area Neighborhood Center, Inc.*
Family Promise of Carbon County*
Family Promise of the Lehigh Valley
Global Hope International
Goodwill Keystone Area
Greater Community Development Corp
Greater Valley YMCA*
Habitat for Humanity of the Lehigh Valley
Haven House
Kellyn Foundation*
Lehigh Carbon Community College Foundation
Lehigh Conference of Churches*
Lehigh Valley Black Church Housing Alliance
Lehigh Valley Center for Independent Living*
Maternity Care Coalition
Meals on Wheels of the Greater Lehigh Valley*
Miller-Keystone Blood Center*
New Bethany Ministries*
North Penn Legal Services
Nurture Nature Center
Operation Address The Homeless
PA 2-1-1 East*
Parkland C.A.R.E.S. Food Pantry
Preventive Measures Foundation, Inc.
ProJeCt of Easton*
Raising the House
Ripple Community Inc.
Safe Harbor Easton*
Slater Family Network*
Summit Hill Heritage Center
The Ortiz Ark Foundation*
The Rilyc
The Salvation Army of the Lehigh Valley*
Third Street Alliance for Women & Children*
Turn To Us
Turning Point of Lehigh Valley, Inc.*
Unidos, Inc.*
Valley Wealth Alliance
Vet Beds
Victory House of Lehigh Valley*
YWCA of Bethlehem*
In the News

Empowering Youth Leaders: Leon Gonzalez Leads the Way in Youth Mental Health Support
United Way awarded 17-year-old Leon Gonzalez a $5,000 Youth Mental Health Innovation Grant for his Being Phenom(enal) Program, which mentors young men, fostering confidence and emotional well-being through support and guidance.

Community Groups Unite to Launch Relief Fund for Families Displaced by Allentown Fire on February 18
United Way partners with City of Allentown, American Red Cross Pennsylvania Rivers Chapter, Community Action Lehigh Valley, Lehigh Conference of Churches and Salvation Army to provide direct assistance.