United Way Education

Community Schools Resource Center

Community Schools are an evidence-based, place-based strategy—not a program.

Below are the key components that must exist for a successful Community School to be established.

Community School Coordinators (CSCs) are employed by United Way Community School Lead Partners. They collaborate closely with the school principal and the Community School Leadership Team to identify ongoing needs, evaluate resources and develop an annual “Alignment Plan” aimed at enhancing student outcomes. The CSC also ensures that all initiatives are carried out in accordance with the partnership agreement.

This team is made up of school leadership (Principals and Asst. Principals), CSC, United Way and Lead Partner. All stakeholders provide guidance and support to the Community School Coordinator. This team ensures strong model implementation and effective, aligned utilization of resources and partners to improve student outcomes.

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CORE Team Agenda Template (.pdf) – view and download
CORE Team Agenda Template (Word) – view and download

Leadership Teams are led by the school principal and Community School Director. They include a diverse group of members like teachers, parents, partners and other key stakeholders. This team collectively sets a direction for the Community School by reviewing gathered custom data and helps identify strategies to support student success during the year AND especially during the School Improvement process/Alignment Planning process. They then assist with the implementation of strategic problem-solving solutions to identified challenges.

This tool is used by each Community School to get a better understanding of what specific needs or barriers to learning exist from the perspective of families and caregivers at each Community School. It is also a great way to capture family voice to include within alignment planning and decision-making processes at each Community School.

Resource Inventory allows Community School Coordinators to assess the broad range of resources already connected to their school or available within their school community. All resources and initiatives brought into a Community School must align with the Alignment Plan developed by the CSCs with input from partners in their Community School Leadership team members and Core Team members with the ultimate goal of improving student outcomes.

This document is a big-picture view of the strategies and interventions present at a given school. Detailed strategies, action steps, outputs, outcomes, indicators, data sources and measurements are included and evaluated regularly via Core teams and Community School Leadership team meetings.

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Alignment Plan Template (Word) – view and download

Quarterly Spotlights are a way to capture stories and qualitative data within a Community School, providing a holistic picture of the bright spots to share with your school community and partners.

The Community Schools initiative is effective because it is a data-driven model based on the Results-Based Accountability Framework. This Results-Based Accountability Annual Report allows Community Schools and the Network to assess the impact of all interventions, strategies and partnerships on key outcomes and indicators for Community Schools.

Each community school operates differently than another one across town or across the country. We know that there are similarities across community schools that have successfully implemented their strategy in how they are structured, what types of programs they offer and how they operate. The Self-Readiness Assessment designed by the National Center for Community Schools aims to help community schools determine for themselves to what extent and how well they are implementing the various components of being a community school.

Looking for something else? Contact United Way’s Community School Network Director, Khushboo Jain, at [email protected].

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