Celebrating Carol Gonzalez: An Unsung Hero

One our most dedicated Age-Friendly Lehigh Valley volunteers, Carol Gonzalez, was recently honored with the Unsung Hero Award from Lehigh County Aging and Adult Services.
“Carol’s such a great example of how an age-friendly community builds intergenerational connections that make all residents feel safe, included and supported. They keep individuals socially connected and engaged in community life and they enhance opportunities to be healthy and active,” said Carmen Bell, Director of Healthy Aging for United Way.
The Unsung Hero event pays tribute to people 60 and older who displayed exceptional generosity with their time and talents for the benefit of their community and to enhance the lives of others. It salutes ordinary individuals who do extraordinary things. Unsung Heroes are people who live quietly among us, inspiring all those who are privileged to know them.
Each May, we celebrate Older Americans Month to recognize older Americans for their contributions.
Please help us in congratulating Carol on the well-deserved recognition!