Air Products Employees, Retirees and the Air Products Foundation Donate Record-Breaking $4.1 Million through Annual United Way Campaign

Air Products has raised a record-breaking $4.1 million for the communities it serves, making the Lehigh Valley-based company’s 2020 United Way campaign the largest in its history. The donations were raised by Air Products’ current employees as well as retirees, and the Air Products Foundation provided $1.9 million to match all contributions.
“This past year proved to be difficult for everyone as we all adapted to a new way of life. Our communities were in crisis due to the pandemic, and our employees and retirees gave more generously than ever. We applaud the willingness of our team to support the good work of United Way, and the Air Products Foundation is proud to match their generous giving,” said Simon Moore, Air Products Campaign Chair and Vice President, Investor Relations, Corporate Relations and Sustainability.
Air Products joins PPL as United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley’s only two workplace campaigns that raised more than $4 million. Contributions to UWGLV support students, families and older adults as they recover and rebuild from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. UWGLV’s investments directly impact the lives of 75,000 people each year.
“Air Products is fully committed to the communities it serves, and this is yet another example of their leadership and dedication. The support from their employees and retirees and the matching gift from Air Products Foundation led to a 20% increase in their giving. We can make an even greater impact in the Greater Lehigh Valley and beyond thanks to their continued support,” said Paul Hurd, Chief Development Officer, UWGLV.
“Our community is facing extraordinary needs. We know that United Way’s job every day is to solve problems in our community. By involving employees and our retirees, we can help to solve those problems,” remarked Laurie Gostley Hackett, Air Products Community Relations Director.
UWGLV raises funds and invests in solutions to meet critical community needs in the areas of education, emergency services, food access and healthy aging.