The Power of Reading: How United Way Community Schools Are Inspiring a Love for Learning
This Read Across America Week, United Way Community Schools are celebrating the power of reading—helping students grow, imagine and succeed.
This Read Across America Week, United Way Community Schools are celebrating the power of reading—helping students grow, imagine and succeed.
United Way’s webinar highlights the concerning rise in chronic absenteeism, urging action to improve student engagement and attendance.
United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley and partners invite you to join the community-wide effort to promote reading and support literacy by third grade, a crucial predictor of future success, during National Reading Month
United Way and Lehigh Valley Reads celebrated Read Across America and National Reading Month with a full week of events at United Way Community Schools all across the Greater Lehigh Valley.
The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading (CGLR) recently announced that Lehigh Valley Reads received Pacesetter Honors for its work in 2021-22 to ensure more students are ready for kindergarten and more families have access to diverse books at home.
The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading announced Lehigh Valley Reads as one of 22 nationally recognized communities as Pacesetter finalists for exemplifying extraordinary vision and best practices for their 2021–22 efforts.
On Wednesday, March 9, Cheston Elementary School, a United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley (UWGLV) Community School in Easton, hosted a Read Across America Day for 1st and 2nd grade students.
Lehigh Valley Reads Works With StoryCorps and Together for Students to Capture Stories of Lehigh Valley Families During the Covid-19 Crisis. Systemic racial inequities exposed by COVID-19 heighten the need for systems transformation.
Lehigh Valley Reads and United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley celebrate Read Across America Day by distributing books and educational supplies to 4 elementary schools across the region and ramp up the Million Minute Challenge.